Monday, October 7, 2013

Birds Of Galta Temple

                      Plum-Headed Parakeet 

1.specie description: The Plum-headed Parakeet (Psittacula cyanocephala) is a parakeet endemic to the Indian sub-continent. Along with Psittacula roseata of the Himalayas it was sometimes known by the name of Blossom Headed Parakeet which is now used to refer only to Psittacula roseata. Plum-headed Parakeets are found in flocks, the males having a pinkish purple head and the females, a grey head.They fly swiftly with twists and turns accompanied by their distinctive calls.  

2. our experience: we identify this beautiful birds by their distinctive calls "toii toii". they assemble all around group never likes single status ,this gregarious bird was sighted in a group cheerfully playing with each other . we spotted the bird near vipasayana kendra.

                            Black-rumped Flameback

1.specie description: The Black-rumped Flameback (Dinopium benghalense), also known as the Lesser Golden-backed Woodpeckeror Lesser Goldenback, is a woodpecker found widely distributed in the Indian subcontinent. It is one of the few woodpeckers that are seen in urban areas.It is a large species at 26–29 cm in length. It has a typical woodpecker shape, and the golden yellow wing coverts are distinctive. 

2. our experience:  we spotted flame-back woodpecker in between our way to galta as we are on jeep so we maintain a silence to photograph the beautiful creature " iski jagah liko this bird was sighted on dead trees and snags. One should remain careful and maintain silence so that "thak thak" noise that it makes while striking the wood can be heard.

                          Crested Bunting 

1.specie description:  The Crested Bunting (Melophus lathami) is a species of bird in the emberizidae family, from south  and southeast Asia.

2 . our experience: Natural habitat of this bird is tropical or subtropical lowland. It was sighted trees near the "Parindas" (small drinking water pots for birds) which are installed by the forest department. One can sit near the vicinity of these parindas to see bunting and other birds which come to quench their thirst. 

                       Black-Shoulder Kite

1.specie description: The Black-shouldered Kite (Elanus axillaris) or Australian Black-shouldered Kite is a small raptor found in open habitat throughout India. these are 35–38 cm (13.8–15 in) in length with a wingspan of 80–95 cm (31.5–37.4 in), the adult Black-shouldered Kite is a small and graceful, predominantly pale grey and white, raptor with black shoulders and red eyes. Their primary call is a clear whistle, uttered in flight and while hovering.

2 . our experience: 
Black-shouldered Kites become a specialist predator of house mice, often following outbreaks of mouse plagues in rural areas. This bird is one of the apex predators in the galta area.Although its sighting is rare but this bird can be seen in ruins of the old buildings near to the galta temple or perching on the trees near old park in this area.

                        Baya Weaver

1.specie description: The Baya Weaver (Ploceus philippinus) is a weaver bird  found across south and southeast asia. Flocks of these birds are found in grasslands, cultivated areas, scrub and secondary growth and they are best known for their hanging retort shaped nests woven from leaves. These nest colonies are usually found on thorny trees or palm fronds and the nests are often built near water or hanging over water where predators cannot reach easily

2 . our experience: The bird is quite common in this forest area but more numbers were sighted in sham dungri (it is on the way to galta temple) as pilgrims here put the grains and water to feed them. One should look for the hanging nests of these birds which they built with perfection.

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