Sunday, January 3, 2021

mansagar lake (winter)

lessor cormorant with a catch 


 happy new year 2021 to all of you one of the toughest year 2020 passes and  a new ray of hopes rises



some glimpse of winter season at mansagar lake jaipur rajasthan from our collection this year . 

this year goes out very tough with covid -19 spreading all round the globe so there is limited options and time for bird watching  remains .

early chilly morning snaps at mansagar lake jaipur as the birding  season starts here are some examples of from our collection 

image details -camera used nikon d500, lens used tamron 150-600 mm zoom lens 

shutter speed -500  iso 250 focal length- 600mm aperture -f10

spot billed duck 

Lessor cormorant 

lessor cormorants eagerly searching for food after the sun rises and some soak themselfesin the sunlight after failure or right  attempts 

spot billed duck

Spot billed duck is also known as indian spot billed duck has green wing shining at the back of the body but this bird is very shy in showing that green shinning part its beak has two yellow and black colors

                                                                    spot billed duck 

                                                                     Spot billed ducks 

spot billed ducks are present all round the lake in the morning they are good in number they are one of the most populated species of ducks in this lake 


drinking water

spot billed ducks flock all roam around in search of food they are spotted easily on the bank of the lake 
mansagar these ducks are common specie in this place with cormorant (lessor) sharing the list

Anas poecilorhyncha is scientific name for these spot billed ducks these dabbling ducks are seen mostly throughout the year around the lake
                                                                         Lessor cormorant

lessor cormorant with a fish 

                                                                     Lessor cormorant

Lessor cormorants are expert fish catchers when it came to hunting but sometimes their effort will be gone waste as some bigger birds snatch fish from them after the catch and some times fish is luck to escape .

 lessor cormorant with fish they are nice divers they float like little submarines and came out with their prize they also hunt in group 

eurasian coot 
eurassian coot also arrived in lake scientific name Fulica atra, also known as australian coot 
It is found in Europe, Asia, Australia, New Zealand and parts of North Africa . eurasian coot arrived during the mid of novembor at lake masnasagar  During the non-breeding season they may form large flocks, possibly related to predator avoidance, coot is an omnivorous bird which feeds on algae ,eggs of other water bird, vegetation,seeds,fruits. 
they are distributed in good numbers  all around the lake with cormorants and other water birds 

Eurasian coot


spot billed ducks

   spot billed ducks and cormorant


wood sandpiper 

wood sandpiper (Tringa glareola) is very small and can be seen mostly on the edges of the water body they are small wader they eat insects and small prey in this picture wood sandpiper with reflection in still water at  the lake





comb duck

    there  are also unexpected visitors this year like comb duck , comb duck was seen in between spotbilled ducks in this picture at mansagar lake 

common teal

common teal also spotted there in between flocks of ducks ,common teal also use to remain in between their groups have brownish head and a green band coming across eye to the back side 




greater cormorant

 greater cormorants arrive in large number and did a lot of fishing between mid november and some went to other places after within a week and some remains in the lake but when they come they are large in numbers and they hunt in large  group . 


gulls are also unexpected visitors to te lake this time pallas gull(Ichthyaetus ichthyaetus) in yellow beak swimming with other birds . pallas gull is bigger in size then the other gulls and sometimes pallas gull snatches fish from lessor cormorant who dived and catch fish on own  and after this process cormorant has to dry his whole body in sunlight pallas gulls are migratory birds who breeds from russia o mongolia and winter season in Mediterranean  ,Arabia and India

pelicans are expected to visit  like each year this time also but there are no pelicans there in the lake this time

if you  like our photography then stay tuned,and also write in comments 

camera used nikon d 5 lens used -tamron 150-600 mm  

In the end 2020 has passed away and 2021 has come with new rays of hope  but there is not a clear way out so stay safe with your family during this tough time of covid -19 take necessary precautions.

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instagram id - @ctiwari911, @birdingbros1

facebook id - sagphotography

mansagar lake (winter)

lessor cormorant with a catch     happy new year 2021 to all of you one of the toughest year 2020 passes and  a new ray of hopes rises     s...